This is a full boost of clean green protein beauty beverage that aids in detoxification, boosts energy and aids in skin rejuvenation.
Serving for 1 (Recipe is Tridoshic)
Organic ingredients
● 1 cup baby spinach
● 2 medium sized kale leaves with stem removed
● 3 medium sized celery stalks and half a cucumber
● ⅓ pure unsweetened coconut water
● ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk or milk of choice.
● 1 date pitted and chopped
● Half of small juicy lime
● Digestive spice: ¼ tsp Nutmeg
Drink room temperature to aid proper digestion.
Note: Juicer works the best for a smooth beverage. Alternatively place all ingredients in an upright blender with liquids first and omit the celery to keep a smoother consistency.